Interview with Elian Wiener, MD of Epic Communications
Interview with Elian Wiener, MD of Epic Communications and winner of the Emerging Entrepreneur of the Year 2011 and the Innovator of the Year 2011 titles in the annual Sanlam/Business Partners Entrepreneur of the Year ® Competition.
2012 EOY launch keynote address
The 2012 budget and its impact on South African entrepreneurs: Prof Matthew Lester Lester, whose credentials include a BCom CTA (Rhodes) and H Dip Tax Law (Wits), is a tax professor at Rhodes University and the winner of the Vice-Chancellor’s award for distinguished teaching in 2001. He also won the SAICA Southern region Honours Tie […]
More female entrepreneurs needed in SA
South African women make up approximately half of the country’s work force and therefore play a crucial role in the development of the economy. However, the low level and quality of female entrepreneurship in South Africa is hampering entrepreneurial growth and activity, as well as the country’s economic development. According to Nimo Naidoo, project manager […]
Competition catapults 2011 winner to further business success
The 2012 Sanlam / Business Partners Entrepreneur of the Year® competition acts as a catapult, driving growth, boosting self-confidence and improving internal efficiency for participating entrepreneurs and their businesses. However, the competition also aims to play a larger role in elevating the standard of entrepreneurial activity in South Africa, as well as fostering a national […]
Photos: 2012 Cape Town launch breakfast
The topic of conversation at this years launch was “How will the 2012 budget affect your business going forward?” This question and other issues affecting entrepreneurial growth were discussed at the Kelvin Grove Club on 9 March 2012 during the official Cape Town launch breakfast of the Sanlam / Business Partners 2012 Entrepreneur of the Year® […]
Photos: 2012 Johannesburg launch breakfast
The topic of conversation at this years launch was “How will the 2012 budget affect your business going forward?” This question and other issues affecting entrepreneurial growth were discussed at the Hyatt Regency in Rosebank on 7 March 2012 during the official Johannesburg launch breakfast of the Sanlam / Business Partners 2012 Entrepreneur of the […]
Tax relief welcome but still not enough incentive for SA small businesses
Although Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan has given further tax relief to small businesses and micro-enterprises in his 2012/13 Budget, there still remains very little incentive for small businesses to start up and flourish in South Africa. Professor Matthew Lester, speaking at the launch of the 2012 Sanlam / Business Partners Entrepreneur of the Year ® […]