What is driving SA’s drastic decrease in entrepreneurial activity?
Entrepreneurial intentions among South Africans has dropped by almost 30% in 2015 when compared to 2013, and almost halved when compared to 2010, yet the perceived entrepreneurial opportunities has increased over the same period, according to the recently release Global Entrepreneurship Monitor South African Report 2015/16. According to Kobus Engelbrecht, spokesperson for the Entrepreneur of […]
Ten ways to hook investors onto your big idea
A great many excellent business ideas never get past the spreadsheet stage and into the real world simply because entrepreneurs fail to connect to the people with enough money and risk appetite to help them implement them. Finding the right investors and pitching your idea effectively is a business skill that can be worked on, […]
Your business is your economy
By Jannie Rossouw Head: Sanlam Business Market When I looked at the typical “hassle map” of a business owner, it dawned on me that we tend to focus on the things that we cannot control or have little control over. Here is a list of things we do have control over: My attitude: Do I […]
When entrepreneurship runs in the genes
With a family history of entrepreneurship running through his veins, it is no wonder that 24-year-old Taahir Isaacs is taking his own company to new heights, and aims to create job opportunities for more and more South Africans. Today, Isaacs’ group of companies – the Breadcumb Group – consists of: Breadcrumb Tech, Made in Salt […]
How business owners can drive SA’s youth entrepreneurship levels
The 2015/2016 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) report for South Africa shows an upsettingly low entrepreneurial involvement level among 18-to-24-year-olds, when compared to the average figure for Africa in the same age group. This is particularly alarming when considering the majority of South African school-leavers do not enter into tertiary education and therefore enter the work […]