Nowadays, brands spend so much money on marketing and advertising but often forget about the employed workforce who have to implement what is communicated to the outside world. This is according to creative strategist, Lindy Scott, who is the Managing Director and founder of Conceptual Eyes – a Gauteng-based creative agency specialising in corporate internal communication.
Identified as one of the top 40 women in the meetings, incentives, conferences and events (MICE) industry, 29-year-old Scott, who has a background in Fine Art, Digital Marketing, Strategy and international teambuilding experience, says that Conceptual Eyes designs and implements business content throughout an organisation.
“We focus on ensuring that the entire team is aligned with the company strategy, as well as preparing employees on what to expect and deliver, and that they have a full understanding of what the business objectives are. This is achieved through visual tactics and strategy workshops with employees, who then build the business outwards.”
Through this process, Scott says that employees often have the solutions to problems currently plaguing a business. “Internal staff will often recognise and wrestle with potential issues long before senior personnel are aware of them. By creating a platform for discussion, we allow employees at all levels to share their insight, which often results in the implementation of simple, yet practical solutions. The value of this cannot be emphasised enough.”
Furthermore, the agency inspires creativity, promotes healthy internal communication, and helps to create a positive organisational culture. “Conceptual Eyes is lean, fast and able to draw creativity out of both employees and stakeholders. By investing in each individual, businesses will reap tremendous and often surprising rewards. Anyone can be creative, even if they are not artistic.”
To date, Conceptual Eyes has secured an impressive client list, including large mining companies, a variety of large corporations in the financial sector and the Glasgow Caledonian University, amongst others.
Scott’s vision for the business is to create a global footprint and add value to every delegate they engage with. “Conceptual Eyes is planning on opening a division in the UK in 2017 and have recently launched the Conceptual Eyes Creative Academy – a 360 degrees approach to strategic thinking – which we’ve based off of the business’ very own methodology. With this, we hope to continue empowering our clients and their employees to be more creative, designing and facilitating the process of creativity for the business.”
Lindy Scott is a finalist in the 2017 Entrepreneur of the Year® competition sponsored by Sanlam and BUSINESS/PARTNERS. For more information on her business, please visit the Conceptual Eyes website: