By Jannie Rossouw
Head: Sanlam Business Market
Come to think of it, it all seems simple enough – clients will consider our product or service if we help them solve a problem or address a need they have.
But is this all there is to attracting clients to our business? The qualified answer is “no”.
Potential clients have unspoken expectations from a prospective business.
These include, but are not limited to the following:
- If we are requested to quote for business, we actually need to pitch up at the agreed upon time to do the quote. This might be said tongue in cheek, but there is a tendency among businesses to not be diligent in this respect.
- Communication should be open – especially when things are not going according to plan.
- Use plain and simple language to ensure that clients understand contractual terms and considerations.
- Clients expect honesty – if we cannot do the job, be up front about it and rather walk away from a deal than tarnish our reputation.
- Clients mostly expect good value for their money and not necessarily the cheapest price.
- Refrain from loading prices merely because a client might be living in or coming from an upmarket neighbourhood.
- People want a good quality product and excellent service.
- Product and service providers need to hit deadlines or negotiate postponements when needed.
- Respect the property of a client if work is done on site – if something is broken, even by accident, clients will take us to task.
- After sales service is of the utmost importance – we need to implement our product or service to meet and exceed client expectations.
Here are some of the benefits we will reap if we meet and exceed client expectations:
- Positive word of mouth – prospective clients will start to contact us.
- We will receive positive affirmations that can be used in our public relations endeavours, on our website and in brochures. Always remember to request clients to consent to the use of their testimonials.
- It is easier to upsell or resell products and services to a satisfied client.
- Clients might use us in their personal capacity and a positive experience in this context may spill over into their businesses, or to an employer needing a similar product or service.
Business is simple, but not easy. If we can get the basics right it will go a long way in enabling our success.
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