How to progress your business

If you are working on something exciting that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you. Steve Jobs The point of departure with this article is that you have already developed an empowering vision and crystal clear mission statement for your business. (If not, read this article) With these […]

15 finalists selected to advance in SA’s premier entrepreneurial competition

After carefully sifting through a record amount of entries, the 2014 Sanlam / Business Partners Entrepreneur of the Year® judging panel have identified the 15 finalists who have been selected to advance to the final round of the competition. According to Christo Botes, spokesperson for the 2014 Sanlam / Business Partners Entrepreneur of the Year® […]

Build your own support network

The business support landscape in South Africa for young entrepreneurs is like the business world itself: it is teeming with opportunities, but you will have to seek them out yourself and build your own support network. Nobody is going to hand it to you on a silver platter. For decades, various spheres of government, corporates […]

Western Cape on track to become the ‘Silicon Valley’ of Africa

Globally known for its serene natural beauty and cultural diversity, the Western Cape is on track to becoming more than just a tourist destination. The region, renowned for its robust entrepreneurial activity, is fast establishing itself as Africa’s ‘Silicon Valley’, a region in California which is home to some of the world’s largest technology companies, […]

Separating the boys from the women

Malani Padayachee, MPA Consulting, 2011 finalist Juggling three kids and a very successful company takes perseverance, stamina and an innovative mindset – characteristics that 2011 Entrepreneur of the Year® Awards finalist, Malani Padayachee-Saman, possesses all too well. Being at the helm of MPA Consulting Engineers and having majority women equity shareholding in a very male […]

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