Five common mistakes to avoid when buying a property

When things go wrong in commercial property investment they can really go badly wrong, because the consequences are often counted in millions or rands. Owen Holland, Business Partners Limited (BUSINESS/PARTNERS) national asset manager: properties, lists five common mistakes made in commercial property investments. Before you venture into your next commercial property deal, says Holland, it […]

Open communication can turn family into a valuable business asset

By Jeremy Lang Regional general manager of BUSINESS/PARTNERS In a sense, almost all owner-managed businesses are family businesses. The fortunes of even those run by a single entrepreneur without the direct involvement of other family members are heavily influenced by what goes on at home. Such lone-operating business owners can turn their families into one […]

Open communication can turn family into a valuable business asset

In a sense, almost all owner-managed businesses are family businesses. The fortunes of even those run by a single entrepreneur without the direct involvement of other family members are heavily influenced by what goes on at home. Such lone-operating business owners can turn their families into one of their greatest assets – a refuge of […]

Separating the boys from the women

Malani Padayachee, MPA Consulting, 2011 finalist Juggling three kids and a very successful company takes perseverance, stamina and an innovative mindset – characteristics that 2011 Entrepreneur of the Year® Awards finalist, Malani Padayachee-Saman, possesses all too well. Being at the helm of MPA Consulting Engineers and having majority women equity shareholding in a very male […]

Contain the clash

How to close deals and deal with conflict In any business, partnership or joint venture, there will be conflict. Mostly, SME decision makers will enter the fray thinking of the outcome in terms of winners and losers. Similarly, when these decision makers enter into negotiations with a potential partner, client or supplier, the battle lines […]


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